Fearful Patients

tooth-03Your well-being and concerns are our top priority, and we are here to support you on your journey to healthy and radiant oral health. Let's overcome your fears together and find the best possible solution for your needs.

Fear-Free Dental Visits: Your Concerns Are Our Concern

We understand that many people, whether young or old, have fear of visiting the dentist, especially regarding local anesthesia. It is our special concern to take our patients' concerns and fears seriously and ensure that treatments are as anxiety-free and painless as possible.

Schmerzfrei durch moderne Techniken: Ihre individuelle Lösung

Moderne Techniken stehen zur Verfügung, um Schmerzen effektiv auszuschalten, selbst bei der Anwendung einer örtlichen Betäubung. Unsere kompetenten Fachkräfte informieren Sie gerne über die verschiedenen verfügbaren Möglichkeiten und arbeiten eng mit Ihnen zusammen, um die für Sie geeignete Lösung zu finden.

Pain-Free with Modern Techniques: Your Individual Solution

For patients who suffer from severe anxieties, in some cases, general anesthesia may be necessary. This is performed by an experienced anesthesia team on-site to ensure that you are in a calm and relaxed state during the treatment.


Sparkling White Smiles

Dental Practice
M. Sc. Bachar Nassif
